Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Not How I Planned It

Lately, my to-do list is quite cumbersome. From the moment I walked in the door tonight around 5:33 p.m., I knew that there wasn't enough time in the evening to accomplish everything I needed to do. From crafting business plans and flow charts to getting quotes, finishing designs, sending invoices and working on the budget, I feel like I'm spinning a lot of plates.

I rushed to heat up leftover macaroni and cheese for Madeleine, and emptied the dishwasher while her meal turned for 90 seconds. I scattered some banana in front of her, stirred the macaroni, popped open my laptop and started checking e-mail. While she ate and devoured her meal, I started to plot out my night. Our home was still in disarray from the company last night, and I found myself calculating each minute.

And then the sweeping wave of conviction. A gentle nudge in my spirit that asked, "How do you expect to be successful at anything else when you're not being faithful with the most important things first?"

Ouch. I guess when I ask Him to teach me, he takes me up on the offer during teachable moments. I looked at Maddie, she grinned with noodles sticking to her ears and banana smudged into her shirt. I looked at the home I'm responsible for, the bedroom that has laundry piled, the bathroom that needs cleaning. The list could go on and on there too.

So, how has my night looked since that moment?

My sweet 16-month-old and I walked around the complex, picked up the mail, played on the dog statues next to the dog park, pointed at birds and chased them as they ran away, popped bubbles on the back patio while the sun set. She splashed in the bath while I put laundry away. After she fell asleep, I scrubbed the things that needed scrubbing, swept, dusted, hung the art on our bedroom walls, replaced burned out light bulbs, threw away the tiny pieces of trash from pockets and purses, put things where they belonged, folded quilts, sorted socks...

and now I sit. My earlier list is still there, looming.

But this night has already been the most productive, effective night I've had in the longest time.


  1. Such is the life of a Wife, a Mother, a Christian...when, suddenly through our focused busyness we realized it's NOT about us. Dropping our list cold to warm up to the gifts around us is never underrated. Good for you! Besides, it WAS a beautiful day. :)

  2. Sarah - it's so true! Refocusing like that needs to happen more often for me. It's too easy to be distracted with the "stuff". Thanks for commenting!

  3. I am so pleased that you put the list down and enjoyed the moments with Maddie, and found time to organize your world- and you found your blessings! May His Peace continue to bless you!

  4. This makes my heart smile. I love you.
