Friday, October 7, 2011

Ordinary Friday.

Nothing like have a sick kid to make life seem abundantly ordinary.

Waking, resting, working, eating.
It's all so simple. 

I ran cool cloths across the back of neck, while we chatted and snuggled under a blanket.
She is 104 degrees and I feel singed at her touch.

Outside, birds fly, the sun is bright.
City life goes on, construction tarries on the sidewalk,
and we sat with limbs lazily stretched, watching movies about Christmas and Santa.

Sometimes, my motherhood life feels extra beautiful.
Sweetened with vision, or energy.
Work is flowing and we move about here in song and dance.

But today, it's coffee that is slightly burned.
Breakfast that is less than average and getting soggy in the bowl.
I suppose it's ordinary times like these that make me feel rich.

If this is where we fall back on when times slow and fall under fevers,
then we are two blessed girls, she and i. 
This is a good place to fall back to.

I have just tucked her in for a nap.
Ray Charles wails on my Spotify.
I am blowing some dust off of my to-do list, cracking my knuckles, shrugging off the slow.

The cup of coffee next to me has cooled, and yet I still sip.
I'm drinking of the ordinary,
and knowing that it's not just me
and it's not forever, 
well, it makes it special, I guess.

Funny how even the ordinary is still beauty.


  1. Just beautiful. I love this part: "I'm drinking of the ordinary, and knowing that it's not just me and it's not forever, well, it makes it special, I guess."

    You have such a way with words. I will definitely be back for more!

  2. There is so much beauty in the ordinary! How priceless are the moments that force us to stop and recognize the beauty in them.

  3. I'm drinking of the ordinary...

    wow, how i love that line. <3

  4. Emily - Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

    Karen - they really are priceless! when I stop and notice, i'm always glad i did.

    Rachel — thanks :)

  5. "drinking of the ordinary". . . love this imagery and will carry it with me.
    thanks for such a thoughtful post.

  6. I love this so much! It makes me remember how my mom would ALWAYS care for me when I was sick....her just "being" there is one of my best memories! I am peeking around at some things on your side bar, and I am looking forward to going now & learning a bit more about you.

    Hope your sweet one feels better soon!

  7. HopeUnbroken — thank you for stopping in!

    Lindsey — what sweet memories of your mama! i can only hope my being here is just the kind of comfort she needs. so good to meet you here! :)

  8. umm. . . YOU ARE THE BEST WRITER!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm your newest follower! :-)

  9. Hi Andrea,

    Just found your blog. You do have a way with words. Now, I want to hear Ray Charles singing "Georgia, Gerogia . . ." Praying for your baby to feel better.

  10. Elizabeth - you are TOO kind and sweet! i'm so glad to be connecting with you! i'm gonna hop on over to your blog now... :)

    Simocha — I think "Georgia" was the exact tune I was listening to! How'd you know?! ;) Thanks for your prayers. Me too!

  11. Ha! Love that song. Great minds think alike.

  12. what a beautiful post! loved the words~! hope your little one feels better soon!!

  13. Simocha - indeed!! ;)

    Sandy - thank you so much. i'm hoping her recovery is quick, too! :)
