
I am the wife of this man, coming up on two years next month. The very fact that I am looking forward to October 18 (our anniversary) is a miracle in itself. We filed for divorce in June of this year. So, the reality that he is living with us again, we are both wearing our wedding bands and we are seeing day to day recovery in both of our hearts, minds and in our marriage is hope that there is redemption to be experienced here. Obviously, we have tasted of our own failures, our own sin, our own selfishness, our own open wounds, bitterness and fear. Thankfully there is only One who can see good in pain. He's turning the ship around for both of us. Actually, truth is... I think he gave us a whole new ship.

I'm an artist. A "creative". A slightly ADD, obsessive, over-analytical and self-critical writer, designer and musician. It's what pays the bills. It's also what keeps my mind occupied during the day, and sometimes night. It's my 9-to-5 and my weekends and free time. It's my beanstalk. It's the beast I'm learning and conquering and being conquered by every day.

I'm a pretty good in the kitchen. I have so many memories on that cold kitchen floor growing up at my mom's feet. I like the smell and taste of things in creation. It's probably also why I wouldn't be described as "lean" or "slender" or "svelte".
I am blessed to have had so many opportunities to travel. I've seen the sun rise and set on both sides of the Atlantic, on the Pacific, and even on the Mediterranean. I've held Chinese hands and squeezed happy cheeks in Hong Kong, celebrated love in Guatemala, smelled lavender and cried in Ireland, watched the Northern Lights with some native Eskimos in the Arctic Circle, walked the ancient roads of Ephesus in Turkey, danced with children in Africa and I hope I can say that I'm just getting started.
I wish I could say I was other things — like a seamstress, gardener, runner, entrepreneur and so on. But I guess I can't be everything, contrary to what Mrs. Clark told me in 1st grade.
So there's a little about me.
:D that made me smile so big!
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post! Thanks for sharing your art and yourself! Love you tons!
ReplyDeleteAH, but you are EVERYTHING the Lord knew you would be today, right now- and He is making all things work together for your good!
ReplyDeleteLove this! And I love your honesty!
ReplyDeleteI wasn't gonna comment- cause who needs a mom commenting all the time... but it was GREAT insight!! I read it 2x no now 3x(cause I had to find the exact quote), and found myself tearing up at the choicest of words... 'smelled lavender and cried in Ireland'... WHO WOULD THINK?? What the heck??? I guess something in me is linked!
ReplyDeleteI've got a few tears in my eyes. I love you. This is transparent. And this is good.
ReplyDeleteI love this! We miss you guys!
ReplyDeleteYour transperancy is beautiful and it is awesome to see your marriage being restored by the Lord when so much all you see around you is the destruction of marriage. You are living/writing your testimony and it will not be for naught!
ReplyDeleteYour transperancy is beautiful and it is awesome that your marriage is being restored through the Lord when so much all you see around you is the destruction of marriages. You are living/writing your testimony and it will not be for naught!
ReplyDeleteAndrea, I love this post...and Joe and I are so very thankful for the great work you both are allowing God to do in your marriage. We love you, Jer, and Maddie - you're like family to us! We wish you many, many years of happiness, love and great memories! We're always here for you...