Tuesday, April 19, 2011

for us, today.

the world is big and small.
isn't it amazing that even we have purpose to our brief, morning dew lives.

i hope that spring is sweeping under your feet, wherever you are. that your steps are bouncing over mud and fresh green grass. that somewhere in the distance, you hear the rough start-up of a forgotten mower and a cardinal, all in the same hour. or maybe just some distant thunder, or a warm breeze that smells like grills and vanilla ice cream.

i hope you can hear crickets in the evening, and the late-to-bed sun draws you outside to play. on porches. on swings. to ballparks and carnivals.

i am hopeful that this life I live is not for me, about me, though parts of it were done for me, and by me. only when i rest — and by rest i mean, stop striving — that i see the work of God is still at work, and then only at work. 

and that's the thing about spring. we can rake the ground, open the windows, beg the skies as much as we want. we can't speed the end of winter as hard as we try.

when it's time, it's time. next thing you know, it rains for three days and the earth is breaking green. everywhere you look, it's green. and you can't even remember that desperation that wearied your hands just a week ago. there is no sight of snow or below 30 temperatures. i laugh at these things as the birdseed is quickly devoured by nuthatches and chickadees.

that's the thing I am learning about trusting in God's sovereignty. in acknowledging that it's not my sky. it's not my rain. my life is the soil, but not the seeds. only his hand will bring the right kind of fruit on these trees.

and when it's time, it's time.


  1. Andrea,
    Yes, It is amazing that we all have a purpose in our short, little lives!

    I love that spring really throws many of God's miraculous creations in our face so we can't ignore them.

    Have a wonderful Easter, girl.

  2. When it's time, it's time. I need to hear that today. I am clinging to that promise of His timing and when it is time...it is time.

    You paint a beautiful word picture :o)

  3. I just have to say -

    I see fruit all over your tree. It is beautiful. Ripening. Fresh.

    So glad to see you back at SDG. You were missed.

  4. Amy - i love what you said. it really is everywhere we look in Spring. happy easter!
    Critty - i'm glad i could encourage you with the very thing that encouraged me! thanks for stopping by today! :)
    Jen - i'm so very glad to be linking up again. and thanks...really, for seeing the fruit that i'm not sure is there or not.

  5. Your lovely description of spring matches our spiritual journey as well . . . it takes time and it happen in the right time. I always want it to be faster.


  6. I like this. When it's time–His time, it will be. Thank you for reminding me today :)

  7. andrea...your words speak so deeply in my soul. I get what you are saying. Do you ever feel that way when you read others? praying His joy is your strength today and your going out is full of joy and you are being led forth in peace...xo

  8. When it's time, it's time. Time for a new season of Spring and time for a new season of life. All in God's timing. There's a peace in that knowledge.


  9. Glenda — i always want it to be faster too!
    Jeanine — your blog was beautiful and gave me so many reminders as well. you are loved.
    Tiffini — i do feel that way.. when you read something and you wonder they were sitting in on conversations in your heart :) i'm so glad to have found you in this community!
    Pamela — Yes!
